Asket is a menswear brand on a mission to reduce the overconsumption of clothing.
Early next year, an exciting new brand will be coming to Bibliotekstan. In spring 2021, ASKET will open its first free-standing store in Sweden. The store is located at Hufvudstaden’s Norrmalmstorg site in central Stockholm. The newly renovated 120sqm-premises will offer the full ASKET range of clothing for men.
Asket is a menswear brand on a mission to reduce the overconsumption of clothing. The company’s business concept is to abandon seasonal collections and instead build a permanent collection of mindfully produced, traceable, and timeless quality garments. Asket’s clothing is made to last five years rather than five washes, with the hope that more people will reduce the size of their wardrobes to the amount of clothes they actually need and use the garments they do have for longer. Asket was established in 2015 by August Bard Bringéus and Jakob Dworsky.
The arrival of ASKET will be a welcome addition to the existing great range of stores in Bibliotekstan. We see the move as another component in Hufvudstaden’s strategy to develop Bibliotekstan into Scandinavian’s leading destination for Swedish and international fashion.
“We’re delighted that ASKET has chosen Bibliotekstan for its first free-standing store. The launch complements our existing range and will strengthen Bibliotekstan as a premium shopping destination and meeting place,” says Luckas Stjernberg, acting Director of Business Development Stores, Hufvudstaden.